Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another brilliant and insprirational read from Heather Gray

I just finished Mail Order Man by Heather Gray. This book was extremely good. I had previously read Just Dessert and while yes this book and Just Dessert can be read as separate I kind of wish I has read this one first. Anyway on to the story.

Sarah was raised by her father, who mother passed away when she was young and her father passed away around the time she was considering college. Sarah took over the stage office and suddenly gets more mail in one day than they normally get in months. Someone had placed an add searching for a husband. Now men were not only writing to Larkspur but they were showing up searching for a bride.

Samuel came to town a little earlier than he had planned to visit with his cousin. He has secrets that he has to keep from Sarah even though he wants to tell her. He promised the Mayor that he would not tell her until things in town settled down. Samuel begins to fall for Sarah as she starts to let herself open up.

The characters in this book are amazing. I love how Sarah learns to develop a closer relationship with God. How she re-evaluates how her relationship with God is. She learns that you do not always have to be serious to love God.

Sarah and Samuel both are wonderful characters. I hope to hear more about some of the other people I have met in this book and Just Dessert.

You can pick this book up at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

If you truly enjoy Heather's books then join Heather's Dream Team, to help spread the word about her books, get a chance to win prizes, and meet some great people.

Happy Reading!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

An emotional rollercoaster!

The Afterlife of Lizzie Monroe is an emotional rollercoaster. I would normally NEVER read a book that has a zombie in it, they just creep me out, knowing that Kelly Martin writes some pretty amazing books I took the chance and read it.

I found myself laughing and then a few pages over feeling heartbroken for Lizzie. This book is certainly NOT a comedy but it has some incredible moments. The thoughts that go through Lizzie’s head, some of the things that she says (she lived and died during the time of the Civil War) so to get to read her reactions to our time was at times snort when you laugh funny.

Shane turns out to be a character that you can really like. He grows on you, the more you read the more you realize maybe, just maybe not everything is at it first seemed.

This book was amazing, I would recommend that you purchase it. Lizzie died from committing suicide and though it does not go into very much detail, if you are buying it for your YOUNG teen then give it a read through first, unless they are allowed to watch zombie movies and stuff like that (my kids are not) just to see if it is something that you think appropriate for them because every child is different.

Kelly Martin did it again with Lizzie Monroe, I look forward to every book that she writes.
This is Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Don't forget to join the release party on Monday January 20th on Facebook.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ten Million Reasons is a great quick read

Ten Million Reasons by Heather Gray is a great quick read. If you are searching for a quick romantic fix with a bit of comedy mixed in then this is a book for you. As always Heather Gray wrote book with a focus on God and family which is part of the reason her books appeal to me.

Gen seems to get talked into taking a survey EVERY time she steps into the mall. She is asked how she would spend ten million dollars in one day; she cannot buy a house or anything that would involve paperwork that would take longer than a day to figure out. She finishes the survey and rushes off to meet her nephew for their lunch date. She does not give the survey much of a second thought until she gets a phone call about it and figures why not write an article about the world of surveys.

Richard put the survey together when he realizes that he needs to find a wife before his 30th birthday which is only a month away. He figures that creating a survey to see how a woman would spend 10 million dollars would be a great and fast way to truly get to know her. He certainly wants to know more about Gen from her answers. When he tells her why the survey was conducted will she run away or will she help to solve his problems?

This book actually made me laugh out loud in some parts. The ice cream, you will laugh when it comes to the ice cream. Like I said this was a quick read but is most certainly worth the money. I loved Gen's family and Richard's back story. This is a book that I am handing over to my teen daughter to read.

You can pick up a copy at Amazon or Barnes and Noble I certainly hope you enjoy this book.

Happy Reading!!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Waiting Fate is a touching novel

Waiting Fate is a beautifully written, emotionally touching novel by W.B. Kinnet. I truly recommend that you purchase this book, prepare for a reading marathon because you will NOT want to put it down until you are done with it.

Ivy grabs her adorable daughter Desee, loyal dog Sadie and runs from her home in Alaska and her abusive husband. She returns to her childhood home where she decides to go to college to get her degree. She reconnects with some friends from high school. Gigi, the one friend who had always stuck with Ivy; Jay, Gunner, Austin, and Archer who made a pact in high school that none of them would ask Ivy out. She slowly starts to come out of her shell a little, studying at Jay's on most nights. She does things around Desee's schedule.

Archer has loved Ivy since the third grade. He had made a pact with his friends in high school that none of them would ask Ivy out this was to save their friendships since all excepts Austin wanted to date Ivy. Now, they were adults, high school has been left behind and with that he believes that pact was left behind also. Can he get Ivy to trust that he will not hurt her?

This is an emotional story. The entire time you are pulling for Ivy, Desee and Sadie who all have trust issues when it comes to men. You want them to trust Archer, you cheer when baby steps are taken.
This novel brought tears to my eyes, it made me smile and I will never look at earmuffs without smiling now!

This is a book that is absolutely worth the price, in face I plan to purchase this in paperback as I think I will be reading it several more times in the futures.
Like Author Wendy Knight or join her street team Wendy's Warriors plus keep an eye out for her other books which can be found under the name Wendy Knight; The Feudlings series and Warrior Beautiful!
Pick it up at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Happy Reading!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kay Springsteen has done it again!

Kay Springsteen has perfected the Christmas Regency romance. Teach Me Under The Mistletoe was absolutely wonderful, I could not put this book down. The characters, even the ones who only make a brief appearance, are all wonderfully developed, the story was not rushed. It flowed perfectly.

Kitty (Lady Catherine) has it in her mind to catch the attention of Lord Strathern by kissing him under the mistletoe. A comment was made that a young girl of her age without any true suitors is destined to be a spinster. Kitty wants nothing to do with that, and nothing to do with the "boys" that are interested in her. She wants Lord Strathern, a man who has travelled the world and seems to be interested in more mature women. Kitty decides that she needs to learn to kiss the way a man likes to be kissed so that she can gain the attention and then the affection of Strathern. Kitty asks Hugh McCollum to teach her how to kiss.

Hugh knows that he should deny Lady Catherine her request afterall he and his older brother could lose their jobs if anyone found out that he was talking to her let alone teaching her how to kiss. There is something about her that he just cannot resist. He knows he is in trouble when he begins to fall in love with her. He does not want to see her with any man, especially the likes of Lord Strathern. There is nothing that he can do, he is beneath her.

I actually developed a "book crush" on Hugh. This is what a man should be like. This book is certainly one that I will be reading again in the future. I hope that you go pick up a copy for yourself. You get Teach Me Under the Mistletoe at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You can also find Kay Springsteen on Facebook.

Happy Reading!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Toymaker brought delight

Kay Springsteen wrote a beautiful Regency romance set at Christmas. The Toymaker was wonderfully written, I loved that this book started in modern day with a mother and her two children stopping at a shop where a crate of old toys was discovered. They bought the entire box and a doll. While continuing on their way to the mall some papers were discovered in the box. The papers were dated to 200 years before!

This is where the story begins. Ivy is expected to marry. Her parents the Duke and Duchess of Wythorpe have been parading suitors before her for awhile now. Her younger sister is already happily married, the Duke and Duchess believe it is time for their eldest daughter to get married. Ivy does not care for any of the men that her parents introduce her to, she wants to find love. Ivy is a sweet girl who does what she can to help out the families that live on the land her family owns, families that she truly cares about. She meets Phillip Green at the dressmakers' shop; Ivy's grandmother (who can no longer see) wanted a man's thought on the color of dress Ivy is to wear to the infamous Kringle Ball, where Ivy's parents are intending for her to finally find a match. Phillip picks the color that Ivy was shaking her head no at. He thought the color would suit her better.
When they next meet it is because he rescues her and her friend. Ivy discovers then that Phillip is a toymaker and plans to search out an apprentice from one of the families that works for her parents. Ivy finds his riding glove and keeps it.
Meanwhile Ivy's parents are trying to introduce her to the Duke of Greenbriar (Ivy does not know that the old Duke passed away and left his title and inheritance to his nephew). She is appalled that they would be so desperate to marry her off that they would choose an old man. She never wants to meet him.

Phillip never wanted to be a Duke, he loves making toys. When his uncle passed away all that he owned fell to Phillip. He kept right on making toys and giving them to children. He finds that he wants to know more about Ivy. Once he discovers that she is the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Wythorpe he had already been introduced to her as a toymaker. He has also discovered that she wants nothing to do with the Duke of Greenbriar. This leaves him to deceive her so that he can spend time with her.

As the two begin to fall in love will the deceit that has been laid out rip them apart before their relationship can ever blossom?

You can pick up this sweet and CLEAN romance at Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.

Happy Reading!!!

Laughed and cringed through Curing the Uncommon Man-Cold

I sat down to read Curing the Uncommon Man-cold a few days after Christmas. I had been reading pretty much nothing but Christmas books and wanted to read something a bit different. I certainly found what I was searching for when I came across this "screwball comedy" I actually laughed which caused my children to want to know what I was reading.
Amanda is crazy busy at work, the next two weeks are sort of do or die for her at the office and at this exact same time is when her boyfriend Jason comes down with a man-cold. She tells him that he can't stay with her but he insists and moves himself in without permission. Amanda turns to her friend Christine for help.
Christine comes up with the Scare Cure to cure Jason man-colds forever. Christine establishes a blog (no good can come from that right?) so that other women can learn from their experiment on Jason. She figures that she is not only helping her friend Amanda but helping all of womankind by giving them the Scare Cure so that they will no longer have to drop EVERYTHING the second their man comes down with the sniffles.
Jason is completely oblivious to the fact that Amanda does not want him there, he just wants someone to baby him through his cold. The things that he endures!! The girls take away the cable, sugary foods, well pretty much all food since all they left him with was health food that he refused to eat.
At first I thought Jason deserves this, he was told to not stay there, then it was repeated more than once. Pretty soon, I started pulling for Jason though. By the end of the book I was a huge Jason fan, even though I thought he was kind of a jerk at the beginning of the book.

You are going to have to pick up Curing the Uncommon Man-Cold at Amazon in order to find out why I ended up rooting for Jason. J. L. Salter did a wonderful job with this book. I look forward to checking out more books of his in the future.

Happy Reading!!